What if the scientific community was to announce that we never need to die? As you may be aware, it is in a position to potentially resolve this possibility, yet reluctant to explore the necessary research to do so. Consider the historical prejudice that has guided science through history and currently blocks further progress.
The scientific community has been embracing a false premise for over 2000 years. Not in bad faith, but simply due to the Doctrine of Materialism, which holds that all that is real and exists is composed purely of physical matter, and that phenomena such as mental states and consciousness are produced purely through brain activity. If that were true, that would mean complete understanding of the universe would be based on physical phenomena alone, and there would be no need to study or understand consciousness. The reason that this belief has ruled over science for so long is due to the fact that non-physical phenomena such as thought and consciousness had never been proven to exist independent of brain activity. On the other hand, if such non-physical phenomena are real and must be included, one’s first guess might be that this would greatly increase the complexity of the universe, and in one sense, this is perfectly accurate. However, we will see that this actually leads to the simplest possible understanding of our universe, revealing the most profound capabilities imaginable, where space-time phenomena are merely derivative of the bedrock reality of an eternal realm. First, one would need to establish whether non-physical phenomena are real or not.
In the 1960s, the psychiatrist Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross restricted her study of over 20,000 Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) to individuals who had been totally blind for at least 10 years prior to their Near-Death Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs). Although these individuals were sightless, they provided visual accounts of activities during their OBEs which were corroborated by those in attendance. The psychologist Dr. Kenneth Ring followed up on her research, publishing a similar study of 31 blind subjects, one of which had had his eyes surgically removed at age four. Although this was definitive proof that sight could be accomplished by non-physical means, it couldn’t be proven that the brain wasn’t involved somehow, so there was no retreat from materialism.
However, in 1991, Pam Reynolds underwent complex brain surgery which required her body to be chilled to 600 F, causing the heart to stop, followed by draining all the blood from her brain. During this operation her brain was continuously monitored for any possible electrical activity by an EEG, which was flat-lined throughout the surgery, indicating complete absence of brain activity. Consistent with the results presented by Kübler-Ross and Ring, after the surgery, Pam Reynolds provided corroborated visual and auditory accounts of activities during the period when she was clinically dead. Consciousness was functional during a period when the brain was not. This is clinical proof that the Doctrine of Materialism is false. For more follow-up on NDE studies, there is a comprehensive, excellent, and lengthy interview of Dr. Jeffrey Long, which serves as further motivation to accept that consciousness does abandon the body at death, becoming completely independent of the body.
There have been more than 10 million reports of NDEs in the U.S., and those who experience them often describe them as overwhelming euphoric and dramatic, and often claim that nothing could possibly be greater than this. This is to be expected, as there are no other physical experiences remotely like an NDE. I shared exactly the same opinion for the twelve years following my own ND-OBE. It was only after I became familiar with mystical teachings that I realized separation of consciousness from the body can be accomplished at will, offering a means of exploration of the universe far beyond whatever could ever be accomplished by space travel within the physical universe.
Likely because NDEs are so common, there are many practitioners on the internet offering to teach various methods relating to separation of consciousness to communicate with the likes of deceased family members, or channel conversations with non-physical entities. However, these efforts haven’t been taken seriously by the scientific community to promote the reality of non-physical phenomena, much less an even greater challenge that lies ahead. This greater challenge is that we must also explore the experience of consciousness going beyond all the realms of time and space, into what is known as the Eternal Realm, as mentioned in many religious and mystical texts. The most advanced mystical teachings throughout history spent as little time as possible exploring space-time realms, in order to advance as quickly as possible to attain experience within the Eternal Realm. Within my own efforts, I was fortunate to experience this realization and establish its reality, and report that this state is attainable well before climate change erases human existence from the planet.
The presentation on this website is to explore the implications resulting from the proof that consciousness is non-physical and survives death of the body. This reality requires that our universe consists both of physical and non-physical aspects, and that consciousness can intentionally be separated to explore all of existence. Mystical teachings have existed throughout history to assist any who are ready to undertake this exploration, and the fundamental purpose of this website is to present a practical approach which facilitates its realization.
One might imagine that the understanding of non-physical phenomena could also fill in gaps in our current understanding of physical science. However, mystical teachings emphasize that beyond establishing a primitive consciousness of causality, physical science is largely a distraction, and that the fundamental value of physical existence serves as preparation for exploration of the non-physical realms of the universe. In this view, development of technology certainly benefits our physical existence, but should be secondary in favor of the realization of our existence within the Eternal Realm.
Based on this premise, the reality and properties of consciousness require no further study. It is now time to focus on the utilization of consciousness, going far beyond speaking with deceased family members or channeling spirits, and beyond all the realms of space and time. One must awaken a higher state of consciousness to understand consciousness. This leads to the attainment of consciousness of the entirety of the universe.
As mentioned further in this study, the likelihood of anyone experiencing consciousness within the Eternal Realm on their own is vanishingly small, simply due to the infinite nature of the universe. To achieve this realization requires the guidance of a master of the art of separation of consciousness, along with the dedicated practice of the individual. These are the two factors for success. I was able to experience this capability of consciousness in just under two years of study, and I have friends within the same teaching who have also achieved this experience. The likelihood of requiring multiple years of effort to accomplish this goal would seem prohibitive to many, but earning my Ph.D. took far longer, and in my judgement, the Ph.D. is not nearly as meaningful. And touching on Dr. Long’s interview where he mentioned that the vast majority of individuals recounting ND-OBEs emphasized the hyper-reality of the experience and their clarity of its memory over decades, I, too, believed that nothing could be more significant than my NDE for 12 years, until I undertook an intensive study of a mystical teaching. In comparison, I would describe my instant of experience within the Eternal Realm to be infinitely more significant than any NDE.
Consciousness is the only practical means of faster-than-light travel to explore the universe and find our true purpose within it. Every one of us has this capability. It is up to you when you choose to develop it.