
What if You Never Had to Die?

What if the scientific community was to announce that we never need to die?  As you may be aware, it is in a position to potentially resolve this possibility, yet reluctant to explore the necessary research to do so.  Consider the historical prejudice that has guided science through history and currently blocks further progress.

The scientific community has been embracing a false premise for over 2000 years.  Not in bad faith, but simply due to the Doctrine of Materialism, which holds that all that is real and exists is composed purely of physical matter, and that phenomena such as mental states and consciousness are produced purely through brain activity.  If that were true, that would mean complete understanding of the universe would be based on physical phenomena alone, and there would be no need to study or understand consciousness.  The reason that this belief has ruled over science for so long is due to the fact that non-physical phenomena such as thought and consciousness had never been proven to exist independent of brain activity.  On the other hand, if such non-physical phenomena are real and must be included, one’s first guess might be that this would greatly increase the complexity of the universe, and in one sense, this is perfectly accurate.  However, we will see that this actually leads to the simplest possible understanding of our universe, revealing the most profound capabilities imaginable, where space-time phenomena are merely derivative of the bedrock reality of an eternal realm.  First, one would need to establish whether non-physical phenomena are real or not.

In the 1960s, the psychiatrist Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross restricted her study of over 20,000 Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) to individuals who had been totally blind for at least 10 years prior to their Near-Death Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs).  Although these individuals were sightless, they provided visual accounts of activities during their OBEs which were corroborated by those in attendance.  The psychologist Dr. Kenneth Ring followed up on her research, publishing a similar study of 31 blind subjects, one of which had had his eyes surgically removed at age four.  Although this was definitive proof that sight could be accomplished by non-physical means, it couldn’t be proven that the brain wasn’t involved somehow, so there was no retreat from materialism.

However, in 1991, Pam Reynolds underwent complex brain surgery which required her body to be chilled to 600 F, causing the heart to stop, followed by draining all the blood from her brain.  During this operation her brain was continuously monitored for any possible electrical activity by an EEG, which was flat-lined throughout the surgery, indicating complete absence of brain activity.  Consistent with the results presented by Kübler-Ross and Ring, after the surgery, Pam Reynolds provided corroborated visual and auditory accounts of activities during the period when she was clinically dead.  Consciousness was functional during a period when the brain was not.  This is clinical proof that the Doctrine of Materialism is false.  For more follow-up on NDE studies, there is a comprehensive, excellent, and lengthy interview of Dr. Jeffrey Long, which serves as further motivation to accept that consciousness does abandon the body at death, becoming completely independent of the body.

There have been more than 10 million reports of NDEs in the U.S., and those who experience them often describe them as overwhelming euphoric and dramatic, and often claim that nothing could possibly be greater than this.  This is to be expected, as there are no other physical experiences remotely like an NDE.  I shared exactly the same opinion for the twelve years following my own ND-OBE.  It was only after I became familiar with mystical teachings that I realized separation of consciousness from the body can be accomplished at will, offering a means of exploration of the universe far beyond whatever could ever be accomplished by space travel within the physical universe.

Likely because NDEs are so common, there are many practitioners on the internet offering to teach various methods relating to separation of consciousness to communicate with the likes of deceased family members, or channel conversations with non-physical entities.  However, these efforts haven’t been taken seriously by the scientific community to promote the reality of non-physical phenomena, much less an even greater challenge that lies ahead.  This greater challenge is that we must also explore the experience of consciousness going beyond all the realms of time and space, into what is known as the Eternal Realm, as mentioned in many religious and mystical texts.  The most advanced mystical teachings throughout history spent as little time as possible exploring space-time realms, in order to advance as quickly as possible to attain experience within the Eternal Realm.  Within my own efforts, I was fortunate to experience this realization and establish its reality, and report that this state is attainable well before climate change erases human existence from the planet.

The presentation on this website is to explore the implications resulting from the proof that consciousness is non-physical and survives death of the body.  This reality requires that our universe consists both of physical and non-physical aspects, and that consciousness can intentionally be separated to explore all of existence.  Mystical teachings have existed throughout history to assist any who are ready to undertake this exploration, and the fundamental purpose of this website is to present a practical approach which facilitates its realization.

One might imagine that the understanding of non-physical phenomena could also fill in gaps in our current understanding of physical science.  However, mystical teachings emphasize that beyond establishing a primitive consciousness of causality, physical science is largely a distraction, and that the fundamental value of physical existence serves as preparation for exploration of the non-physical realms of the universe.  In this view, development of technology certainly benefits our physical existence, but should be secondary in favor of the realization of our existence within the Eternal Realm.

Based on this premise, the reality and properties of consciousness require no further study.  It is now time to focus on the utilization of consciousness, going far beyond speaking with deceased family members or channeling spirits, and beyond all the realms of space and time.  One must awaken a higher state of consciousness to understand consciousness.  This leads to the attainment of consciousness of the entirety of the universe.

As mentioned further in this study, the likelihood of anyone experiencing consciousness within the Eternal Realm on their own is vanishingly small, simply due to the infinite nature of the universe.  To achieve this realization requires the guidance of a master of the art of separation of consciousness, along with the dedicated practice of the individual.  These are the two factors for success.  I was able to experience this capability of consciousness in just under two years of study, and I have friends within the same teaching who have also achieved this experience.  The likelihood of requiring multiple years of effort to accomplish this goal would seem prohibitive to many, but earning my Ph.D. took far longer, and in my judgement, the Ph.D. is not nearly as meaningful.  And touching on Dr. Long’s interview where he mentioned that the vast majority of individuals recounting ND-OBEs emphasized the hyper-reality of the experience and their clarity of its memory over decades, I, too, believed that nothing could be more significant than my NDE for 12 years, until I undertook an intensive study of a mystical teaching.  In comparison, I would describe my instant of experience within the Eternal Realm to be infinitely more significant than any NDE.

Consciousness is the only practical means of faster-than-light travel to explore the universe and find our true purpose within it.  Every one of us has this capability.  It is up to you when you choose to develop it.

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Start with simple breathing exercises. Focus on inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly to calm your mind. Guided meditations are another powerful tool that provides structure and support for mindfulness beginners. Body scans, where you mentally observe and relax each part of your body, are excellent for reducing tension and enhancing awareness.

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A holistic health assessment typically involves tools like personalized questionnaires, biofeedback, and consultations with wellness professionals. These methods analyze not just symptoms but also the underlying imbalances in your life. For example, a stress analysis might identify emotional patterns that are affecting your physical health.

By uncovering areas that need attention, holistic health assessments help create personalized wellness plans that include nutrition, mindfulness practices, and energy-balancing techniques. This comprehensive approach ensures you achieve a harmonious state of being, empowering you to thrive physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Unlocking the Universe: The Journey of Consciousness Beyond the Physical Realm

The following is a conceptual representation of the structure and purpose of our universe. One version of the creation story begins in the eternal realm, when it is realized that if nothing interacts, it is impossible for the primitive consciousness in humans to form any understanding, as the meaning of “eternal” is “unchanging.” This necessitates consciousness taking on a body in the physical realm where the existence of interactions facilitates an understanding of cause and effect relationships. However, since consciousness doesn’t know any better, it mistakenly believes the physical realm to be the entirety of the universe. In fact, the physical realm is no more than the kindergarten-level of existence, where relationships are most easily comprehended. The fact that the overwhelming majority of individuals in this realm do not realize that this is just the first stage of the development of consciousness, ensures that many repetitions of the kindergarten phase will be necessary before advancing significantly within the universe.

During this introductory phase, physical beings come to realize that death of the physical body forces consciousness into the next higher realm of the universe, where consciousness inhabits a non-physical body. This realization is largely due to the accounts of a small fraction of the population reporting Near-Death, Out-of-Body Experiences (NDEs), as well as the teachings of mystical schools which explain that consciousness can detach from one’s body without causing death. Without developing this capability, science would likely never be able to understand the full extent of our universe while on this planet, as we are running out of time due to climate change.

As long as consciousness functions only from within a physical body, there would never be enough time to explore the physical universe. And just as the physical realm is too large to fully explore, the other space-time realms are also too big to explore. The only practical way to complete the exploration is to seek guidance from one who has mastered Out-of-Body travel throughout all space-time realms. At least one such master living in a physical body is always available for this purpose. Such a master also serves as proof that, if a living individual is able to complete this journey within one lifetime, then so can you, as you both exist as consciousness within physical bodies.

Simple Comparison –– Material vs. Non-Material

In view of the Pam Reynolds story, and the approaching reality that it is exceptionally unlikely that we will be able to explore any significant fraction of the physical universe before our planet becomes uninhabitable:
The capability of physical exploration of the entire material universe –– 0%
The capability of non-physical exploration of all aspects of the universe –– 100%
Dependence of physical existence on existence of consciousness –– Complete
Dependence of existence of consciousness on material existence –– None
This satisfies the scientific quest of the ages to attain an understanding of the entire universe. The benefit derived from the physical realm comes through
developing an understanding of causality, followed by the eventual realization that consciousness survives the physical realm. The awakening of consciousness throughout the non-physical realms of time and space serves to reveal that the universe is effectively infinite, and that one must secure the guidance of those who have the knowledge of the universe beyond time and space, the Eternal Realm, in order to complete the evolution of consciousness within any practical amount of time.

As long as the scientific community supports the Doctrine of Materialism, this is equivalent to proclaiming that consciousness cannot survive death. And if science were to accept the evidence that consciousness survives death, that would be equivalent to finally confessing that there is much more to the universe than has been taught. As long as science maintains that consciousness does not survive death, this can only delay the discovery of our true nature. This is science denying its true purpose. Accepting the true nature of consciousness would be the greatest advancement ever for science. It is time to leave black holes to the movies. There are monumentally significant realizations for each individual to attain by turning the attention away from the physical to explore non-physical realities.

Creating a Theory of Absolutely Everything

The following is based on my personal ND-OBE, over 40 years of practice of a contemplative discipline, and over 50 years in the study and teaching of physics. Rather than postulate a theory first and subsequently validate it through experimentation, we will initially focus on experimentation to validate mystical claims, and use this to formulate of the theory. It is likely that some of my characterizations will be imprecise, but my experimental results are consistent with the experiences of other students of the same discipline. And fundamentally, since existence beyond time and space is devoid of any relationships or interaction, there cannot be any sense of causal understanding, but only the acceptance of its reality through replication of the experience, not describing it.

Starting with the mystical and religious stories of creation, without consideration of concepts such as sin, we begin with the Eternal Realm. The name “Eternal Realm” is enigmatic, but the assumed state of The Big Bang, prior to expansion, could offer insight how such a realm might exist. A synonym of “Eternal” is “unchanging,” and prior to particle formation, the entire Big-Bang universe is assumed to be sufficiently dense that everything is squeezed out of any individualized existence into some homogeneous, primordial substance. With no particles in existence, and no energy being exchanged, there are no interactions and nothing ever changes, so neither space nor time can be defined. Therefore, prior to particle creation, this state of the Big Bang would be beyond space and time, and is the only convenient example of how something as expansive as a universe might exist without space and time.

A priori, consciousness in an eternal, or static realm, would not be able to make any sense of such a realm if relationships and interactions necessary for development of understanding did not exist. In fact, one of the mystical creation stories states: “God looked over all His creations at that time and found all was not right in the lower worlds, and that man needed something else. That something else was a mind, which could be used as an instrument for perception through which to understand and reason out his experiences.” And from another part of the same mystical teaching, it is stated that “The entire contents of all time and all space, while experienced in a time sequence, actually coexist in an infinite and eternal now. … In short, it appears that events change, but what really happens is that we shift our viewpoint from event to event; the events are stationary and fixed.” This shifting of viewpoint from event to event transforms a collection of static events into a movie reel-like sequence, which creates the impression of the passage of time. And since relativity theory relates that space and time cannot be defined independently, this creates the sense of space as well.

Since nascent consciousness cannot evolve in a realm of eternally static states, the appearance of causality through the simulation of space and time serves to promote a primitive state of understanding of the physical universe. The eventual realization that consciousness survives death and can separate from the body at any time prior to death provides the next evolutionary step in exploration of non-physical existence, eventually leading to complete understanding of the entire universe.

The statement that “The entire contents of all time and all space, while experienced in a time sequence, actually coexist in an infinite and eternal now” provides an interpretation allowing mystical teachings to be understood as being consistent with a fundamental assumption of quantum mechanics, in that all quantum mechanically allowable states exist simultaneously, except that quantum mechanics doesn’t explain why we never experience all allowable states at the same time. What we do experience in the physical realm are always causal sequences of states, and quantum mechanics states this is because all allowable states always collapse into whatever it is we experience, which sounds like magic. In contrast, mystical teachings say it is the mind that limits the perception of consciousness to only causal sequences, which is equivalent to the theory of quantum mechanics actually admitting it has no physical explanation for the causal relationships among the states we observe. Neither explains the situation by itself, but mystical teachings do open a door to a test for the reality of an eternal realm.
Since both consciousness and the mind separate from the body at death, or during OBE events during contemplation, would it be possible to separate consciousness from the mind as well as the body during contemplation? Many believe that consciousness and the mind are the same and cannot be separated, but if such separation could be attained, that would prove them to be fundamentally distinct. Indeed, the most advanced mystical teachings make the claim that the only way to attain the ultimate, universal consciousness, or God Consciousness, is to achieve separation of consciousness from the mind as well as the body. Mystical teachings also claim there are two ways to attain this profound experience. The most obvious approach would be mastery of contemplation. This certainly seems reasonable, but after more than 40 years of daily contemplation, I don’t claim to be close to mastering the practice yet, so one would hope there might be a more rapid means of achieving this state. Indeed, the second option offered by mystical teachings is to achieve this state of consciousness through grace. That is, if a student is deemed worthy, a spiritual master capable of facilitating the realization of God Consciousness could grant this experience at an appropriate time.
So the fundamental goal of mystical teachings requires the separation of consciousness from the mind to reveal the most fundamental state of the entire universe. Although there is significant variation among the many mystical teachings, for our purposes, we will restrict ourselves to those teachings which emphasize the ultimate experience of God Consciousness mentioned above. And all of these teachings are functionally equivalent because God Consciousness is unchanging. That is the nature of an Eternal Realm.

To attempt to describe the experience of acquiring God Consciousness, there are a number of historical and contemporary accounts available from individuals. Such accounts from various mystical teachings can be found online, but the most helpful commentary I have come across regarding the nature of this experience is found in the book Kabbalah—Tradition of Hidden Knowledge, where the author, Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi (Warren Kenton), describes his experience: “A heightened physical awareness changes into a psychological lucidity which then transforms into a profound consciousness of the totality of the universe and the Presence of Divinity. One is in direct contact with all the Worlds at once, and perceives both the complexity and the unity of everything. Although the moment may last just one second, it is always unforgettable.”

Kenton’s description prompts comment. Roughly four decades before I became aware of his book, I had a spontaneous experience during contemplation which fit the major aspects of his description precisely. I find perception of “the complexity and the unity” of everything to be an apt characterization, in that I had the realization that this was an instantaneous, conscious awareness of absolutely everything in the universe. It wasn’t a homogeneous state as I might have supposed from the Big Bang Theory, but it did seem static and somehow appeared to make complete sense. As a result, I characterize one aspect of this experience as the Death of Desire, because at that moment, I had everything. Not in any exclusive sense, as everyone has complete access to this state, but the vast majority are simply not aware of it. But in another sense, the experience created one specific desire, and that was to share the realization with all who are ready for it. So if it seems at all disappointing that one might abruptly run out of universe to explore and things to do, there are an infinite number of others in need of guidance as they struggle with their personal evolution of consciousness. Also, Kenton s comment of the “Presence of Divinity” resonated with my experience, in that I also had the overwhelming realization that I was sharing this universal consciousness in that instant. And it is also of interest to note that more than 20 years after I had this experience, I became aware that two of my friends who also follow the same discipline as I, have had the same experience.

One aspect that complicates any discussion of this experience is that although consciousness is uniquely capable of becoming aware of the entire universe in a single instant, the mind can only go as far as to register that the realization did actually happen and that it made perfect sense in that instant. The mind is an artifact of space and time and is therefore finite, so when consciousness returns to the realms of space and time, the mind regains its influence on consciousness and reduces what was an infinite ocean of awareness to a single drop of water. The memory of the event remains, but the event itself is far beyond words or description and certainly cannot be communicated with any precision. One’s direct, personal experience is the only means of any sort of comprehension.

It is not at all clear what the mind is or how it accomplishes what it does, but there is clear historical and current evidence that beyond the mind, one’s consciousness is capable of experience far beyond anything described by physical science. It is available to us all and evidently comprises everyone’s eventual realization. So as an overview of the progression of the evolution of consciousness, since one cannot achieve any comprehension within the Eternal Realm “in the beginning,” at the inception of consciousness, it is quite logical that one must begin by establishing a primitive understanding, such as the principle of causality within the physical realm. From there, the next step appears to be discovery and implementation of the capability of separation of consciousness from the body, and finally the separation of consciousness from the mind as well. A simple progression in concept, but its completion typically takes an exceptional amount of experience over a significant period of time.

Of course I may be mischaracterizing my experience as God Realization, but the instantaneous realization that I was experiencing everything in existence was overwhelming and consistent with the experience of others. As soon as I manage to experience and maintain this state of consciousness on a continuous basis, I will be delighted to publish the results. However, my experience definitively established that a verbal description can only hint at this reality. In review, learning of the existence of ND-OBEs creates a concept. Next, having either an ND-OBE or an OBE as a result of contemplation transforms the concept into an unforgettable experience in your most vivid and persistent memory. And finally, experiencing the entire universe in an instant leaves one speechless and wondering how the experience can ever be assimilated. However, on a positive note, my friend who
experienced this event twice reported that the second occurrence was not nearly as unsettling as the first.

So what is Real? The point of this story is very much the same as in the original Star Wars movies. You really do have something within you which will allow you to accomplish incredible things. But that was just a movie. However, in many ways, it appears to me that our physical lifetimes can be considered as little more than movies being viewed by our consciousness. Realization through experience is truly the only way to achieve comprehension. And when one finally graduates from these physical lifetimes, one abandons materialism to gain freedom within the universe. Materialism is the illusion. As long as one continues to embrace Materialism, one will not be able to realize the benefits of non-physical existence. And as long as one exclusively embraces time and space, one will not be able to realize the entire universe in Eternity. Until we accomplish this, we are ignoring our greatest gift. If all this is true, other than creating interesting technology, science has been largely focused on busywork. We have been unwittingly restricting ourselves to this lonely little planet stuck in the most primitive aspect of the universe.

Characterization, or Utilization of Consciousness?

Upon acceptance that consciousness is not a result of brain activity, but that it can exist and function independently, it is natural to attempt to characterize it. However, since consciousness is non-physical, there are very few meaningful characteristics available, other than noting it can function in both physical and non-physical realms. So without meaningful guidance from physical science, it is natural to turn to mystical teachings, as they have focused on consciousness for millennia. Rather than provide a theory, or attempt to explain consciousness, mystical teachings simply emphasize the development and attainment of the direct experience of the entire universe through one’s consciousness, independent of any space-time limitations. Beginning steps necessarily involve more modest accomplishments in the psychic (space-time) realms, but a central point is not to become distracted with psychic experiences, but to attain the ultimate accomplishment as quickly as possible.

My personal study of mystical teachings began with a significant degree of skepticism, as much of what I read sounded far too grandiose. However, I reasoned that if the mystical teachings were based in reality, I would eventually find them to be completely consistent with theoretical physics, as required by the Correspondence Principle. The primary means of non-physical exploration in this teaching is the daily practice of separation of consciousness through contemplation, and this routine soon produced conclusive results. Early in my contemplations, I would often find myself in other-worldly settings with a non-physical body and abilities such as flying and walking through walls. Many might find this sufficiently intriguing to hold their attention and go no further, but I was strongly drawn to the fundamental goal of separation of consciousness from all
constraints of time and space, in order to eventually experience complete and total awareness.

One noteworthy experience among my many OBEs was finding myself driving a large truck through a desert that seemed endless in every direction, forcing me to realize that I had no idea which way to go to reach my destination. I took this as a metaphor to emphasize the reality that I would likely never find my way to any ultimate realization by myself. And this is a defining characteristic of a “living” mystical teaching. Such a teaching has a living master who operates from a state of total, or God Consciousness, and who functions as a guide for spiritual students by actively accompanying them during contemplation. Since such guides operate outside of time and space, there is no limit to the number of students they can serve. Much of their guidance goes unnoticed in order to foster increasing independence of the student, but such guides occasionally make personal appearances to the student during contemplation to validate the genuine nature of the process.

Returning to Characterization vs. Utilization, consciousness can be most simply characterized as the eternal essence of the individual, and the many bodies we utilize during our incarnations are simply avatars used in the various realms of time and space to gather experience and express ourselves. The separability of consciousness is essential in order to become aware of our purpose and freedom in the universe. In terms of the instruction provided by mystical teachings, the primary emphasis is almost completely on developing the functionality of consciousness rather than obtaining an understanding of it.