

Upon acceptance that consciousness is not a result of brain activity, but that it can exist and function independently, it is natural to attempt to characterize it. However, since consciousness is non-physical, there are very few meaningful characteristics available, other than noting it can function in both physical and non-physical realms. So without meaningful guidance from physical science, it is natural to turn to mystical teachings, as they have focused on consciousness for millennia. Rather than provide a theory, or attempt to explain consciousness, mystical teachings simply emphasize the development and attainment of the direct experience of the entire universe through one’s consciousness, independent of any space-time limitations. Beginning steps necessarily involve more modest accomplishments in the psychic (space-time) realms, but a central point is not to become distracted with psychic experiences, but to attain the ultimate accomplishment as quickly as possible.

My personal study of mystical teachings began with a significant degree of skepticism, as much of what I read sounded far too grandiose. However, I reasoned that if the mystical teachings were based in reality, I would eventually find them to be completely consistent with theoretical physics, as required by the Correspondence Principle. The primary means of non-physical exploration in this teaching is the daily practice of separation of consciousness through contemplation, and this routine soon produced conclusive results. Early in my contemplations, I would often find myself in other-worldly settings with a non-physical body and abilities such as flying and walking through walls. Many might find this sufficiently intriguing to hold their attention and go no further, but I was strongly drawn to the fundamental goal of separation of consciousness from all
constraints of time and space, in order to eventually experience complete and total awareness.

One noteworthy experience among my many OBEs was finding myself driving a large truck through a desert that seemed endless in every direction, forcing me to realize that I had no idea which way to go to reach my destination. I took this as a metaphor to emphasize the reality that I would likely never find my way to any ultimate realization by myself. And this is a defining characteristic of a “living” mystical teaching. Such a teaching has a living master who operates from a state of total, or God Consciousness, and who functions as a guide for spiritual students by actively accompanying them during contemplation. Since such guides operate outside of time and space, there is no limit to the number of students they can serve. Much of their guidance goes unnoticed in order to foster increasing independence of the student, but such guides occasionally make personal appearances to the student during contemplation to validate the genuine nature of the process.

Returning to Characterization vs. Utilization, consciousness can be most simply characterized as the eternal essence of the individual, and the many bodies we utilize during our incarnations are simply avatars used in the various realms of time and space to gather experience and express ourselves. The separability of consciousness is essential in order to become aware of our purpose and freedom in the universe. In terms of the instruction provided by mystical teachings, the primary emphasis is almost completely on developing the functionality of consciousness rather than obtaining an understanding of it.

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