

The following is a conceptual representation of the structure and purpose of our universe. One version of the creation story begins in the eternal realm, when it is realized that if nothing interacts, it is impossible for the primitive consciousness in humans to form any understanding, as the meaning of “eternal” is “unchanging.” This necessitates consciousness taking on a body in the physical realm where the existence of interactions facilitates an understanding of cause and effect relationships. However, since consciousness doesn’t know any better, it mistakenly believes the physical realm to be the entirety of the universe. In fact, the physical realm is no more than the kindergarten-level of existence, where relationships are most easily comprehended. The fact that the overwhelming majority of individuals in this realm do not realize that this is just the first stage of the development of consciousness, ensures that many repetitions of the kindergarten phase will be necessary before advancing significantly within the universe.

During this introductory phase, physical beings come to realize that death of the physical body forces consciousness into the next higher realm of the universe, where consciousness inhabits a non-physical body. This realization is largely due to the accounts of a small fraction of the population reporting Near-Death, Out-of-Body Experiences (NDEs), as well as the teachings of mystical schools which explain that consciousness can detach from one’s body without causing death. Without developing this capability, science would likely never be able to understand the full extent of our universe while on this planet, as we are running out of time due to climate change.

As long as consciousness functions only from within a physical body, there would never be enough time to explore the physical universe. And just as the physical realm is too large to fully explore, the other space-time realms are also too big to explore. The only practical way to complete the exploration is to seek guidance from one who has mastered Out-of-Body travel throughout all space-time realms. At least one such master living in a physical body is always available for this purpose. Such a master also serves as proof that, if a living individual is able to complete this journey within one lifetime, then so can you, as you both exist as consciousness within physical bodies.

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