
There’s No Wake-up Call Like A Near Death Experience

We first turn to a discussion of Near Death Experiences, or NDEs. My personal NDE was foundational in terms of motivation to formulate and answer all our questions. What follows is the result of over 40 years of my research.

So, Theoretical Physics has a Problem

Dr. Ring’s Study of Apparent Eyeless Vision reported that people who were totally blind, provided precise, corroborated visual accounts from their Near-Death, Out-of-Body Experiences which could not be due to hallucination. Blind people, incapable of forming images in the brain, instantly attained undistorted vision from a position somewhere outside and above the body after physical life could no longer be sustained.

When confronted by such evidence, the scientific community generally accepts that evidently it is common for consciousness and the mind to persist after death, in a non-physical existence outside the body.

However, realization soon sets in that this phenomenon presents a profound and unavoidable challenge to our understanding of physics, in that such perception of images occurs without physical matter absorbing electromagnetic energy. How did the images form if there was no matter, without electrons to absorb the energy? Since the blind develop crystal-clear vision during Near-Death-Experiences without any physical matter processing light, this proves mainstream physics alone is incapable of explaining the universe, and requires inclusion of non-physical processes. Fortunately, a simple interpretation from mystical studies together with quantum mechanics establishes a basis for complete understanding. At this point, it is clearly laughable to imagine that theoretical physics is anywhere close to a Theory of Everything.

It is remarkable that Dr. Ring’s research on Apparent Eyeless Vision establishes the reality of this non-physical process.  It is equally remarkable that this forces us to consider the unification of theoretical physics and mystical teachings in order to hope to be able to have a complete understanding of the entire universe.

Upon realizing that the universe consists of much more than purely physical manifestations, one might logically expect that mainstream physics could not possibly provide adequate descriptions of non-physical phenomena.  Fortunately, mystical teachings offer centuries of realizations and techniques to explore the full extent of the universe.

My decades of research have convinced me that there are a number of spiritual teachings which rise to this standard, so I do not promote any teaching over another.  However, in order to come to my conclusions, I have only had time to sufficiently study one such discipline in depth, and my experiences will reflect that teaching.  All of this points to the reality that empirical experience of the individual is necessary to gain complete understanding and freedom within the universe, and out-of-the body travel as taught by various mystical schools provides the means to do so.  Much more will be related in subsequent materials.