
Quantum mechanics is fundamental to the unification of physics and mystical teachings, and one of its oldest and most widely embraced tenets is the Copenhagen Interpretation, where it is assumed that all quantum mechanically allowable states exist simultaneously. However, one only experiences a single, specific state of the universe at any instant, and never all states at once. This fact caused physicists to reason that whenever any observer interacts in any way with the universe, the infinitude of wave-states instantly collapses into the single state experienced by that observer. And of course, the universe would need to instantly re-inflate to all allowable states to be ready for the next collapse in the next instant, and on and on it goes. This is likely the most egregious insult ever to Occam’s Razor.

What you will see is that an exceptionally simple interpretation attributed to an ancient Tibetan, allows complete consistency between quantum mechanics and mystical teachings, without the contrivance of waveform collapse. Perhaps the greatest physicist in history never had any university degrees at all.

Bottom Line

The bottom line is that mainstream theoretical physics is comfortable with the possibility of the infinite complexity of infinite universes, along with universal waveform collapse and reinflation every instant in order to explain causality. However, causality is only necessary as long as the mind is interpreting, or “making sense” of the universe. Since consciousness can experience the universe independent of the mind, beyond the realm of space and time, it experiences all quantum mechanical states simultaneously and no interactions occur at all. This static universe unifies theoretical physics and mystical teachings, and provides understanding through literal, scientific truth, without the need for metaphor, and we finally have an understanding of an eternal realm. The universe of mainstream theoretical physics is simply a specific interpretation of the more general static universe.

The universe is simple. It is static. It can be completely understood by those willing to learn the techniques taught by those who have mastered separation of consciousness from body and mind. If you restrict yourself to the physical realm, your scientific basis is limited to untestable conjecture based on theories. If you go beyond the physical, contemplation is the laboratory, and only empirical evidence gathered beyond the realm of time and space can be considered complete.